
Thank you so much for the great news! I’m so happy, you literally saved me! Thank you!!!

Valentina and Bo 10/23

Thank you so much! You have my word that I will pay it forward!

Maggie and Piper 10/23

Thank you for helping my Apollo run again, thank you very much  Ruth 9/23

LAPS allowed me the opportunity to provide care for my pet that would’ve otherwise not been possible. They were timely in their approvals and responsive to everyone involved. This program truly is priceless!!!  Liba and Murphy  9/23

LAPS is an awesome resource in Summit County. I never thought I would receive such an incredible gift to help with the cost of Crash's surgery! Cannot thank you enough! The crew at Buffalo Mountain Animal Hospital were the ones who suggested I contact LAPS. They were the ones who turned me on to such an amazing group! Thank you again, Glenn 9/23

There are not words to describe the gratitude I have for you and your organization. Thank you for helping me to make my dog whole and healthy again. Thank you for your kindness and generosity, as this is making a huge difference in mylife. Never before have I felt so much support from a community. I wish you all the best! Gregory & Sierra  4/23

Bella started limping right when I got back from vacation. She can be a bit of a sad sack when I've left her at her dog sitters for more than a weekend, but I thought I should double check and see if anything was seriously wrong. We took her in and x-rays showed that she had at least partially torn her back right CCL. We were referred to Colorado Canine Orthopedics and scheduled a consultation. I went into it telling myself that they would not recommend surgery for an almost 12 year old dog, but wanted to see what other options there were. To my surprise they said she was as healthy as a much younger dog and would highly recommend surgery for what turned out to be a fully torn CCL. We got it scheduled for a month later. Unfortunately, in that month I unexpectedly lost my job and was now facing a large medical bill with no income. My vet recommended LAPS and I applied at the very last minute. They got back to me the next day with the approval for assistance. We went ahead with the surgery and while I was a mess about the surgery and recovery, I was so thankful that LAPS had helped cover a portion of the surgery. Thank you so much! Bella is on the mend and we'll be back to our normally scheduled activities soon!  Thank you again, Katie B. 8/23

Thank you very much for providing financial assistance when emergency vet services were needed for Bunker. The application and approval process were straightforward and quick. Bunker received excellent care from the vets and staffat Buffalo Mountain Animal Hospital and CSU. Bunker has since made a full recovery.  Matt and Bunker 6/23

These two hellions got into a lot of trouble this year. The Great Dane needed TPLO surgery. I had been babying him during the quarantine but it became evident he would need it soon. Because of his size, we needed a giant breed specialist. That was a $5000 surgery. And now, five months later he’s as good as new! Then, just before Christmas, the two of them broke into a box of gifts and ate four pounds of fudge! I didn’t know if both or only one ate it, but no matter, the dose was lethal for them. Since there are no emergency vets in either Park or Summit county, we made a late night trip to VRCC in Englewood. That was initially a $4000 visit, but since they improved quickly, it ended up being only $2700. Since I was recently widowed, and on a fixed income, this was a huge debt for me. I applied to LAPs for assistance, and they graciously agreed, and were able to help me out for a portion of the bills. Both the dogs are doing great, and my deepest appreciation goes to this charity that I have happily supported for 30 years, never thinking I would need their help. Again, I couldn’t thank them more.  W.S. 2023

Chunk and Martin

LAPS has been such a blessing to my family by providing us with financial assistance for emergency vet bills for both my dog and cat. My dog needed surgery for reoccurring cystine kidney stones that obstructed and caused so much pain. They also helped me after my indoor cat escaped then returned days later with a broken leg that required amputation. As a full time student, my ability to pay for emergent situations like these would usually mean going into debt. LAPS made it possible for my pets to receive vet care without having to compromise on the quality because of my financial limitations. I’m so grateful to my vet for suggesting that I apply and even more grateful to LAPS for making what felt impossible, possible. 

-Taylor, Chunk and Marvin May 2023

This sweet dog was found as a stray in Silverthorne on April 26th. Silverthorne Police found her roaming on Blue River Parkway. There was a name on her harness, ‘Nala’, but no tags and she did not have a microchip. Someone abandoned her. She received shots, a microchip and was spayed  with funding provided by LAPS. and the Summit Foundation.  Because there is funding to support spay / neuter surgeries at our shelter, Nala received a second chance.  She is patiently waiting for her  new forever family.  

Lal came to the shelter with her four siblings…with a very urgent need.  Their mama had passed away the night before, so as soon as they came in, we immediately contacted a volunteer who could foster and bottle feed them.  They were born on 05/18/23 – just three weeks old when they arrived.  Once they are eight-weeks old and weigh 2lbs we will spay and neuter them and give them a chance at a great life.  Once again thanks to funding from LAPS and the Summit Foundation.

We brought our cat, Annie, into the vet thinking we were going there to put her down.  Upon examination, the vet and technician were able to determine she had a large abscess in her neck and it was treatable.  We were so relieved but when they handed us the quote for her upcoming surgery and care, we cried due to the cost alone.  They recommended we reach out to LAPS.  The whole process was painless, quick and everyone was so incredibly helpful.  After a couple weeks of treatment and surgery, our cat is herself again!  Thank you so much for the assistance and support!

Patrice N. January 2023

After my kitty had to undergo necessary tooth extractions due to a newfound feline disease, there was no better support than LAPS. There was not a moment in my mind that I did not believe LAPS would be able to help me and my cat, Leo through this tough time. What I had thought would be a routine visit, turned into an overwhelming vet bill. With LAPS' support, however, my anxiety over the expense subsided and I was able to focus on caring for Leo during his recuperation. Thanks to LAPS, Leo can not only live pain-free, but he can enjoy his favorite crunchy food once again! Marie C.

This is Russell. He isn't very good at speaking human but he really wanted to say THANK YOU to the members of and contributors to  LAPS for helping with his ever growing bills.  He was hit by a car on May 7th, 2 days after his 7th birthday, and almost had to have his leg amputated. Thanks to the amazing vet care he has been receiving at Farmers Korner Vet hospital, CSU vet hospital, and Grand Valley Emergency Vet, he was able to keep the leg and is 1 month into his several month recovery. Hopefully he will be back to his favorite activities of backpacking and hiking in no time!

-Tommy Jefferies

The process of application was so simple and I received approval in 24 hours. The next steps were also very easy, I didn't need to do anything– thank you for handling payment with the vet's office. I am so thankful to LAPS for the help!

My cat is doing well and recovering from the procedure.  Sara R. 2023

"I am so grateful this organization exists! At the very beginning of the pandemic my cat, Kit, started displaying strange behavior prompting a visit to the vet. Turns out he had to have 8 teeth pulled due to dental decay and inflamed gums. Poor guy. This resulted in quite the hefty vet bill that I couldn’t afford at the time during the pandemic. Luckily, a friend let me know of this awesome organization for Summit County residents. They helped pay for a huge portion of Kit’s bill allowing me to get him the care he desperately needed.

The process was easy and the organization worked seamlessly with my vet at the Silverthorne Veterinary Hospital. 

A year later, I took Kit in for his yearly exam and the vets couldn’t be more thrilled with his clean bill of health! 

If you’re looking for a worthwhile organization to donate to or volunteer for, I highly recommend donating to L.A.P.S.! I don’t have much but I’ve changed my Amazon Smile account to donate every time I make a purchase. It’s easy and I love knowing my tiny contribution will help other animals in our community!" -Jennicca

I have lived and worked as a veterinarian in Summit County since 1998. During this time, LAPS has always been there for Summit County Residents and their beloved furry family members.

LAPS is the difference for our community when owners are faced with the financial demands of unexpected, emergency, and even chronic medical needs for their pet. This is an immense emotional and financial relief for families and often is the solution for someone who is struggling with providing necessary medical care for a loved one while still allowing them to afford rent and put food on the table.

Christy Murphy DVM

Buffalo Mountain Animal Hospital