Donate Today

How Your Donation Helps:

1) Reducing pet overpopulation by supporting local spay / neuter programs that keep unwanted companion animals out of shelters. 

2) Financially assisting low income pet owners that live or work in Summit County with non-routine medical expenses for their companion animal.

To make a donation, use the donate button above or send a check to the address at the bottom of this page.  

You can also find us on Venmo at LAPS LeagueOfAnimals.  

We are unable to process a Zell transaction.

Will Bequests

LAPS is happy to accept donations on behalf of a family trust or will. Explore these options below!

Donations can also be mailed to : 

League for Animals and People of the Summit 

L.A.P.S.      P.O. Box 2512      Frisco, CO  80443