Contact Us
For general questions, please email
For questions regarding medical applications please email
If you are a Veterinarian office and have a question about an invoice please email Or a medical application then email
Send any physical mail to: LAPS, P.O. Box 2512 Frisco, CO 80443
Please join our free NEWSLETTER list filling out the form below.
We no longer print and mail a membership newsletter, but we can include you on our email list to stay current on LAPS events. You can also email us at to unsubscribe you from the newsletter list.
Follow LAPS on Facebook at League for Animals and People of the Summit
Follow LAPS on Instagram @summitlaps80443
Please email with any questions or concerns.
Memberships and donations can be mailed to our post office box.
League for Animals and People of the Summit
L.A.P.S. P.O. Box 2512 Frisco, CO 80443